Monday, January 30, 2012

Should I Buy Forza Motorsport 3 Xbox 360?

well.. i just brought modern wafare 2 and it's the best game ever, the next game im thinking of buying forza 3 i really luv racing game's in my collection i have


Forza 2

PGR3, 4

i really luv how you could tune your car and do you own paint job, is this the same in forza 3 or is it just a remake of forza 2

should i buy it

rickyShould I Buy Forza Motorsport 3 Xbox 360?
Forza Motorsport 3鈥?/a>


If you don't know, Forza Motorsport is a simulation racing game and it's an Xbox 360 exclusive. The point of this review is to give my thoughts on the game and to help people decide Forza is right for them.

First off I should tell you that there is a demo available on the marketplace which gives you a taste of what's to come. When you first start the game it'll ask you if you would like to install the additional content on the 2nd disc that ships with the package. It contains I think about 100 cars and some tracks and it will tax your hard drive 1.9GB so arcade owners or people short on space (like me) beware. You can play the game without installing the additional content just know that you'll be missing some stuff.


Graphics: Well I'm currently playing on a 21 inch standard def TV and I think it looks amazing. I absolutely think that it is quite possible to destroy your mind with the right video set up. The menus are clean and neat and is full of smooth, crisp transitions. It's a lot of white with the information you need to see popping out. Just think BBC news, if you know how that looks. I haven't unlocked all the cars in the game so I can't speak with definite authority but I think that they all feature interior views which gives you a a lot of viewing room unlike past games.

Content: More cars than you can shake a stick at. While this isn't a GT5 VS FM3 review I should mention that people may scoff and say "400 cars? GT has 8 or 900", but honestly, do you really need that much? I know I certainly don't because the cars that I want to take around the 'ring are here. (I used to play GT mind you)

Customization: The livery editor has been given a great update that makes it easier for designers to quickly edit and share content and believe you me, the work that some of these guys have on the online storefront is nothing short of sorcery I tell you. I have to acknowledge what these guys do, you'll be amazed, and the best part is that most of the designs are free (well for now anyway).

Gameplay: Forza is really a game that appeals to anyone. If you want to just hold the gas and steer a little or if you have a kid the assists make it possible. If you want more realism you can turn off all the assists, traction control, stability management and anti breaking system and race your heart out. It even has clutch shifting for manual transmission.

Cons: Forza isn't a totally fault free game. Some of the car interiors have gauges that don't work. From what I've observed, for cars with digital gauges, if your racing and their is an Xbox notification or you bring up the guide, the dash will flicker and look glitched. Another thing is the prices of upgrades, whole the prices of the cars aren't too shabby (and you get some pretty sweet free ones early on) it's the upgrades that drain your winnings. If you wanna take say an R34 Skyline and make it an S class car then you'd better be prepared to pay out the you know where. Again I'll say that I haven't even passed the 50% mark in the game so I don't know how money will be coming in later down but right now I'm sitting rather well with my winnings. If you wanna upgrade every car you get and buy every car at the onset just give it time, you'll waste your money and you may very well be awarded the same car you just bought. Online, well you don't have to look too far to see what other people are saying, but...meh, you'll either like it or hate it.

Overall I'll say that FM3 is a great game and it isn't deserving of the one stars that other people are giving it. For a game to be one star it has to be utter garbage, like say a movie tie in game that was made without effort. My rating for this game is really 4.5 but there are no half stars, but I think it leans more towards 5 than 4. I hope this helps, see you guys on the track.Should I Buy Forza Motorsport 3 Xbox 360?
I heard some good things about forza 3 to be honest some said it looks amazing!

im not into forza im into burnout paradise and stuff :PShould I Buy Forza Motorsport 3 Xbox 360?
no. the only real good racing games for the xbox 360 are burnout paradise and midnightclub los angelos
if you like tuning ya cars you should by need for speed shift

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